Get a Branded Content Media Package for $5K

Help us tell your story with our team of award-winning video producers and team of REAL filmmakers. With our video production branded content package, you get:

Custom script approved by you

High production-value media assets: 30-second video, 60-second video, gifs, still images, behind-the-scenes photos

Unlimited editing revisions

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What You Get

60-Second Branded Film

Get a 60-second branded film for use on social media, your website, and more! All produced by an award-winning producer and team of real filmmakers.

30-Second Branded Film

Worried your audience might not have the longest attention spans? We'll include a 30-second version of your video at no additional cost, edited by our professional video editors.


Perfect for social media, email newsletters, and blog posts, gifs allow you to show glimpses of your branded film in only a few seconds—and in a small file size. Here's an example of one we made for Solcosm below.


Stills and Behind-The-Scenes Photos

Want to share the filmmaking process with your customers, community, and your team? We'll provide you with any and all behind-the-scenes photos and videos our crew takes from the set. We'll also send you still image exports from the final film!

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What Our Clients Say

Tom and the FF Branded team were amazing to work with over the course of the entire project. From listening to my story and the vision of the company, to conveying that vision with a well-written script, to the execution of the video itself, I was impressed the entire time. I can't wait to get the video out to my customers and community!

solcosm isaac wellish headshot

Isaac Wellish

FF Branded perfectly understood what we wanted to accomplish with the branded film we had them produce. They completely got our customers' needs and the value we provide, and the script is better than what we we could have written ourselves. We want to make our customers' stressful lives easier, and the branded film we received definitely conveys that message.

grace talotta headshot

Grace Talotta
L Laundromat